Site Explorer lets you explore and reveal the directory structure of FTP server, helps you to download desired files. Site Explorer uses default proxy settings.

Quick Info:

Just type a URL into the address bar and enter to start browsing. Double-click any files to download. At presently only FTP can be explored, and URL must start with "ftp://".

File without size won't be shown in upper-right "file list" pane, click the columns of which to reorder files. Multiple selection with same operation acts on multiple files.



Open selected URL in browser.


Download selected items. If item is directory, then download all the files in this directory but not including its subdirectory. Double-clicking items in the file pane also does download thing.


Stop current directory thread and cancel browsing.


Refresh current directory and redisplay the files in that directory.


Show or hide the favorite of Site Explorer.

Favorite Menu

(clicking folder)

New Folder

Create new folder under the current folder.

New Site

Create new site under the current folder.


Delete current folder (site) and all its subdirectory including sites. But the top "favorite" only can be renamed not be deleted.


Rename current folder or site.

(clicking site)


Connect to site, double-clicking also does this thing.


Edit site.


Site name.


Site name or IP, which is shown (tool tips) when you position the mouse over that item for a period of time.

Username & Password

To be identified with a pair of username and password if any.


Select a proxy from proxy list for this site.


Brief comment for site.

Number of concurrent connections

If you establish too many concurrent connections to the same site, transfer speed may significantly decrease. In addition, the site administrator may dislike it, which will result in blocking your IP. When one file is over, the connection won't be closed, next file will reuse it without login again. If this value is great than 1, page "Proxy" will emerge, please see "Job/Download" and "Job/Proxy".

Save settings

Save as the default settings for site explorer, it is similar to "Scheme" for job. If you enter the URL into the address bar, and the parsed site doesn't match the item in the favorite, Net Transport will use this default settings to explore. Note, explorer "proxy" uses the proxy of the current job scheme.

Site Menu


Close socket of the current site. Use this feature when site only allows one thread one IP but user want to download files in this site. Tips, use multiple proxies to break certain restrictions but keeping site alive.

Delete directory

Delete current item and all its sub-item if any. Use this feature if there are too much sites in the left directory pane. Notes, this option only deletes tree in the directory pane you see. Net Transport guarantees the directory on the site won't be modified. In other words, "Site Explorer" only can read not write, it isn't FTP tool like CuteFTP.

Add to favorites

Add the current site to the favorites.